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40-Day Sugar Fast

I know, another post from me where I say something is going to be different than it has been in the past...and then you don't hear from me for months at a time. I get it. So, this time there's no promises. At all.

I started a devotional this morning by Wendy Speake called The 40-Day Sugar Fast. She's real, and raw, and she'll call you out on your sin in a way that makes you thankful and cringe at the same time.  I'm accepting the challenge to go 40 days without sugar, and my prayer is that I will chronicle my journey here.

Day 1 - It's almost 5pm, and I've not really even craved sugar yet.  It's been a great day of homeschooling the kids, and we started at the Y again with Homeschool PE which gives me dedicated time to get in a workout.  Done.  I've outlined that the only sugar I will have will come from protein powder (which has minimal sugar) in a shake after a workout, BBQ sauce, ketchup, or marinade that is already on the menu for the month that, and fresh fruits.  I won't be making healthier versions of baked goods, nor will I partake in Sunday Sundaes or eat my aunts cheesecake at Thanksgiving. 

I feel great. Better than I did yesterday after eating all the sugar. I'm reservedly hopeful.  I know my God is big - and this is a physical fast and a spiritual one as well.  "We suffer spiritually each time we reach for a sugar high rather than the Most High," is one of the first quotes I copied down to remember.  This is hard work y'all...but it's needed.  I need Jesus more than sugar.  I want to want Jesus more than sugar.

These 40 Days are for you sweet, sweet Savior.


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