Lots can happen in 3 weeks! For example: I know which way to turn out of my neighborhood to get to several grocery stores, the Y, the church, and various other locations. And, most of the time I can find my way between those locations and back home. It's amazing feeling a little more settled. I also know where I should go to buy certain things, and when to avoid HEB like the plague. I'm learning about my new friends, and I'm grateful to be making some. But what I'm learning mostly is that I'm forgiven. 3 weeks ago I felt like I had gone off the rails completely with my eating habits. And I had. I had fallen into loving food so much that it became an idol in my life. You may be reading this and thinking that I'm crazy - but here's my reality. Maybe you've heard the story where the Israelites melt down all the gold they have between them and make a golden calf to worship. They couldn't see the One True God, and they wer...
encouragement. recipes. nutrition information.